Sunday, February 24, 2019

"Climate change" group has goal to raise costs for workingmen and their families

As much as I like to think that we Ozarkers have lots of common sense, there’s always something happening to discourage that thought.

The latest discouragement I ran across was back on Feb. 7 on page 2 of my favorite paper, out town’s weekly local paper, the Phelps County Focus.

“Citizens’ Climate Lobby looks to expand into Missouri’s Eighth District” was the headline. The news report told about a recent meeting of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby in our town as it seeks to gather support for federal legislation that it claims is needed to control our violent weather changes.

The paper quoted the state coordinator of the lobbying group, George Laur, as saying that the group is “growing rapidly” with a “goal this year of starting a chapter in all eight of Missouri’s congressional districts.” Once a chapter is up and running in the Eighth District, which includes Rolla and Phelps County, that goal will be met.

And that will allow the group to focus all its energy on legislation.

“A primary focus of Citizens’ Climate Lobby is passage of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act,” the Focus reported. “If passed, the law would reduce carbon emissions by 40 percent in 12 years by making the extraction and burning of carbon more expensive.”

Reread that last part out loud: “ ... the law would reduce carbon emissions by 40 percent in 12 years by making the extraction and burning of carbon more expensive.”

Think about that.

These “citizen lobbyists” want to make gasoline so expensive that you will have trouble affording a tank of gas to get you to and from your job.

They want to make it difficult for Rolla Municipal Utilities and its associated in the MoPEP power supply group to generate electricity in coal-fired facilities.

They want to make Ameren’s natural gas higher than it is now.

Their goal of “making the extraction and burning of carbon more expensive” is a fancy-pants way of saying “making it difficult for you to avoid driving your car and heating your house.”

They are doing this because they “care” about nature. They don’t care about workingmen and their families. Men who are working for wages to get food on the table and shelter for their families are given no thought, I suspect, for most of these activists are likely employed or retired from the university or some other government agency.

The Citizens’ Climate Lobby is organizing to work hard to drive up energy costs and to make it difficult for wage-working people to make ends meet.

I hope there’s enough common sense in the Rolla, Phelps County and the Eighth District to make them give up.

I hope the Citizens’ Climate Lobby fails.--RDH

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